What a scramble! Getting word out about
Dark Lady's Stone to all my friends--past and present--relatives, writers' groups, and acquaintances. Lots of fun reconnections... Get business cards printed up with the cover, directing people to Amazon. Thank all the gods for Pages! Every morning I check for sales. I've actually sold 3-4 books! Oooo! Of course it's nothing compared to J. K. Rowling or even "Robert Galbraith." But it's me.
I go to unfry my brain in the coffee shop. I take my proof copy of
Dark Lady's Stone and put it out on the table. I've gotten several queries. It's fun to meet people and ask what they like to read.
I'm doing my own formatting for e-publication, Kindle Direct and Smashwords, following their guidelines. Time-consuming but I enjoy tinkering.